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On the momentous occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust in June 2018, the members of the Trust made a pioneering decision to establish a research centre aimed at advancing the field of Speech and Hearing. In a testament to its evolving mission, the centre was later renamed as the Bangalore Speech and Hearing Foundation, aligning its identity more closely with the overarching objectives of the Trust.

Objectives of the Centre:

  1. Conduct Research: Initiate and undertake research in the disciplines of Hearing, Language, Speech, and Communication, encompassing processes, development, disorders, assessment techniques, therapeutic interventions, and remedial processes across the human lifespan.
  2. Foster Collaboration: Develop collaborative research projects within and outside the institution, promoting interdisciplinary approaches.
  3. Integration with Trust Entities: Work in coordination with other entities of the Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust, including the Institute of Speech and Hearing, Clinical Services, and School for the hearing impaired.
  4. Documentation and Publication: Create and maintain a comprehensive database while actively disseminating research findings through publications, journals, monographs, handouts, and booklets.

Constitution of Committees: The Research Centre shall comprise a panel of distinguished scholars with notable academic achievements and interdisciplinary expertise, nationally and internationally recognized in their respective fields. This panel will provide essential guidance concerning the goals and objectives of the Centre.

  1. Advisory Committee: Chaired by the esteemed Retired Chief Justice of India, M. N. Venkatachaliah, the Advisory Committee shall deliberate on research policies and review the progress and accomplishments of ongoing projects.
  2. Research Technical Committee: Led by Dr. N. Shivashankar, a renowned figure in Neurosciences, this committee will assess the feasibility and implications of proposed projects, monitor progress, and ensure adherence to ethical standards.
  3. Ethical Committee: Headed by Dr. Indira Jaiprakash, this committee will scrutinize proposed projects to ensure they uphold ethical standards, avoid any infringements on human dignity, gender biases, or exploitation of subjects, and address medico-legal concerns.

The Foundation provides necessary space and infrastructure for the Centre’s activities, fostering research endeavours, academic conferences, seminars, training courses, and workshops. The Centre facilitates collaboration among scholars from various departments and institutions, fostering interdisciplinary research endeavours beyond individual projects. Research staff are hired on a full-time or contract basis, funded either by the Trust or external agencies, to support research activities and academic supervision.

Guidelines of the BSHRF

  1. Promotion of Research Publications:
    • Establishing a publication division, including an Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board, to ensure the dissemination of research findings with originality, rigour, and significant impact.
  2. Grant Support and Postdoctoral Opportunities:
    • The Centre will assist in securing grant support, offer post-doctoral research opportunities, and foster the formation of groups comprising postdoctoral scholars.
  3. Collaboration and Outreach:
    • The Centre will engage in collaborative ventures with external partners, including universities, community organisations, and private sector research centres, to enrich research endeavours.
  4. Academic Events and Visitors:
    • Organising lectures, conferences, workshops, and inviting academic visitors to enrich scholarly discourse and exchange of ideas.
  5. Attracting Research Grants:
    • Focusing on attracting significant research grants aligned with national priorities and the Centre’s thematic focus.
  6. Diverse Engagement:
    • Involvement in various activities, including working with professionals, commercial, and governmental organisations, and publishing reports, proceedings, or monographs to enhance professional practices.
  7. Community Engagement and Innovation:
    • Establishing community-based rural research centres to address unmet needs and fostering innovation for socially relevant outcomes.
  8. Virtual Resource Platform:
    • Developing a virtual platform of accessible resources, including personnel and equipment, to support research scholars.
  9. Intellectual Property Creation:
    • Encouraging the creation of intellectual property through product and process patents, fostering innovation and knowledge creation.

By adhering to these objectives and guidelines, the Bangalore Speech and Hearing Research Foundation aims to spearhead transformative research in its field while serving as a beacon of excellence and innovation.


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