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Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to identify, understand and manage one’s own emotions and that of others which helps in adapting to different environments and also in reaching our life goals. This concept developed by David Goleman in 1995, unlike IQ, is not an innate ability. It is a combination of traits […]
Parenting For Real Life
The life of a child is filled with wonder. Engage in your own ability to re-awaken the wonder that you’ve replaced with worry. Free yourself. -Melinda Asztalos Being a parent is a beautiful gift and a privilege. All parents hope that their child will grow up to be a happy and responsible adult. What many […]
Is your child addicted to the screen? Six effective strategies for reducing screen time for children.
Regrettably, children today spend a lot of time watching television, gaming, and fidgeting with smartphones. Playing board games or outdoor activities, such as hide-and-seek, was formerly the norm for children’s entertainment. Compared with today’s children, who are more alone and inactive than in the past, children are happier, healthier, and have more friends. The overuse […]
What are your smart strengths?
Most people scoring 130 or above on an IQ test pride themselves on being a genius. Traditionally psychologists believed that people’s capacity for learning was fixed and that you’re either born smart or you’re not. Furthermore, measuring intelligence was almost limited to how well you performed on logic and math tasks on IQ tests. Gardener’s […]